Saturday, May 10, 2008

Maltego v2 is out and its friggin awesome

I did a previous blog post using Maltego v1 and will be talking a bit about maltego at ChicagoCon but Maltego v2 is out and its a very nice upgrade.

from the site:

Version 2 of Maltego has been completely rewritten - it’s a complete new code base.
The following has been added from the KZ3 release:

  • Load/Save of entire graphs means you can always go back to your investigation.
  • Printing of graphs (over multiple pages) for discussions.
  • Export of entities (CSV format) makes it easy to import Maltego data into other databases.
  • Commercial grade layout library:
    • The layout and navigation have been optimized for speed and usability.
    • Four layout types to rearrange data the way YOU want it.
    • Two view types for finding relevant info on large graphs.
  • More entities and 20 brand new transforms for even deeper searches and more information.
  • Search/Find (on entity value, detailed info and additional fields) helps you to get to key nodes quicker.
  • Multiple open graphs on different tabs for easy switching between graphs.
  • Dedicated clear-all, zoom buttons for notebook users.
  • Hollywood quality look & feel will impress your friends and your boss.
  • Integrated help on transforms and entities to increase your learning curve.
  • Complete user guide ensures you are never lost.
  • Prepopulated and preconfigured transforms and transform sets saves you time.
  • Population of API key integrated with license key so it’s never lost.
  • Platform independent installer means you can install it anywhere.
I like it alot and one of the coolest features is the ability to create a graph and allow others to view it, not to mention print it out, save it, and export it as a .csv. Oh and the technorati blog keyword and link search is badass. You can check out this demo video to see what i am talking about: and more screenshots here:

I'm trying to tidy up slides for next week but expect a maltego post or article after chicagocon.


  1. Awesome..I am really looking forward to playing with v2. I had used v1 extensively in the recon tool out there..hands down!

  2. I've done a review of the product is that helps at:

    Hope this helps

  3. The "problem" is that latest version is ... comercial :)

  4. 430 bucks is small change for what you get.

  5. crack or License ?
