Thursday, January 3, 2013

Training Opportunities

We are hosting two training's at the Attack Research Headquarters over the next few months. The first training is our Operational Post Exploitation class which will be January 29th-January 30th.

We have just added Offensive Techniques in February for an available training as well. We will be hosting the training February 26th-February 28th.  More details can be found at our training website.

We are also looking at doing a round of training in the London area in May of this year. Right now we are trying to gauge the interest in this location. If you are interested in taking either Offensive Techniques or Rapid Reverse Engineering in this are please email so that we can gauge interest.

Happy New Year

1 comment:

  1. One month is not nearly enough lead time on "training opportunity." Expense account approvals take a while these days.
