But i do have some upcoming conference speaking engagements coming up.
So. If you are heading to BruCon

catch me and Joe McCray talk about Pentesting High Security Environments.
If you are heading to DerbyCon

Catch me and Rob Fuller talk about The Dirty Little Secrets They Didn’t Teach You In Pentesting Class
Lastly, if you'll be in Switzerland for Hashdays

You can catch me talk about From Low to Pwned.
I'll also be giving a talk at the Management workshop on Information Operations for Management (sorry the info isn't on the site yet but should be here https://www.hashdays.ch/management-session.html at some point).
I'm sure there will be more stuff in November/December its just not scheduled yet.
It's all good Chris, we know your busy. Wish I could be at Brucon with you guys, however I got other projects I must attend to. Speaking of which! Joe said he was interested in coming up North for DakotaCon when I last spoke to him. How do I find out if you might be interested too?
- Devon
just send me an email and we'll see :-)
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