From the Paterva Homepage:
- Maltego is a program that can be used to determine the relationships and real world links between:
- People
- Groups of people (social networks)
- Companies
- Organizations
- Web sites
- Internet infrastructure such as:
- Domains
- DNS names
- Netblocks
- IP addresses
- Phrases
- Affiliations
- Documents and files

Before you can start using Maltego you need to go to tools -->Manage transforms, then follow the wizard (read the documentation). you'll need to register on the Paterva site to get your API key and a couple other sites to get API keys from them.

Let's check out doing Infrastructure --> Domain for

Not bad, I don't think the phone numbers are correct but the other results are relevant. We could have also used the whois transform and DNS bruteforce transform to enumerate some more hosts in the domain and to get the IP space.
That should be enough to get you started, i've been having fun picking random security bloggers I dont know to see what i can dig up about them, very fun. While I don't have a screenshot, the metadata search is awesome when Maltego finds "office" type documents and can be useful to reinforce you are on the track with your search.
Maltego Downloads:
Maltego Documentation:
Presentations on Maltego:
CansecWest07 Presentation [PPT] (1.8MB)
FIRST 2007 Presentation [PPT] (4.5MB)
Sweet, I had forgotten all about this Util... Thanks
Nice article. Since I dont feel like doing my day job, I think I'll have a play with Maltego.
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